Read about some interesting things we have to say.
Models for machine learning often use statistical algorithms that extract patterns and trends from previously collected data to construct baseline curves.
Your company should make it a priority to work toward developing a culture of cybersecurity awareness and should encourage its employees to do so.
The term security operations center SOC refers to a facility that serves as the central command center for information technology security activities.
SIEM is a solution that assists businesses in detecting, assessing, and mitigating security risks before they affect regular operations.
Email phishing is tough to detect, and spear phishing is much more difficult than traditional phishing.
Snap Finance chose Cetas Cyber as their partner to assist them in securing the company after conducting a thorough investigation and review.
Phishing attacks can take many forms, but one thing they always have in common is using a phony pretext to steal critical information.
Phishing is a kind of online fishing fraud, and the strategies used to catch fish are similar to those employed in phishing scams.
SOC-as-a-Service is a license-based approach for managed threat detection and response that provides your business with world-class security operations.
A security operation center (SOC) is a team whose main job is to monitor and manage a company's cyber security.
Cybersecurity is a growing concern for organizations of all sizes. As the risks grow, security operation centers also need to evolve their approach to stay ahead of the curve.
Once it is understood how brute force attacks work, which tools are used, one can begin to mount a defense.
Using advanced algorithms to accurately and quickly look for concerning events in huge amounts of data from disparate sources is the perfect job for an AI or ML-equipped bot.
The pandemic has created extraordinary challenges but has also provided plenty of new opportunities for the CISO role and the entire security industry.
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